Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko discussed the Republic’s development strategy “The Strength of Donbass” with college students (photo + video)

Today, on March 21st, Donbas National Academy of Construction and Architecture hosted Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko’s meeting with college students of the Republic, according to a correspondent of the DPR official website. Deputy Chairman of the DPR Council of Ministers Dmitry Trapeznikov, Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Evgeny Gorokhov, Minister of Construction Industry of the DPR Sergey Naumets, Head of the Central Executive Committee of the Donetsk Republic PM Natalya Volkova, Academy’s Rector Nikolai Zaichenko and leader of the Young Republic organization Nikita Kiosev attended the meeting.

Alexander Zakharchenko’s meeting with students was devoted to the nationwide discussion of the development strategy of the Republic «The Power of Donbass», which will form the basis of the electoral program of the Head of the People’s Democratic Republic and the public movement «Donetsk Republic».

“The Strength of Donbass is the program that I will go to the polls with. In fact, this is a day-to-day job that is constantly being carried out. Everything changes – our life, our country, the situation around our state, we change. These words reflect those changes: we are getting stronger, our Donbas is getting stronger. Our strength is in unity, in our land and in our homeland — Donbass.







In 2015, we began to muse on the future for decades in advance, because our strength is children and the youth who are now study. It is young people who will rule our country. We are now building the platform where we will live for decades. And our tomorrow’s life depends on how we build this platform today,” Alexander Zakharchenko addressed the audience.

The first question, received from students, concerned the opportunity for gifted students at the expense of the state to study and practice in Russia, then to return to the Republic and work for the benefit of the country.







“Russia is our great Motherland, and Donbass is the small Motherland. To practice in Russia, we need to understand what specialties are necessary for our state. Now you are training here at the expense of budgetary funds, in order to send you to practice we need to provide you with money for living and food, this is necessary for you to come with an estimate and plan for this matter. If we find a common language in this matter, then I am ready to support it. The idea is good. We need specialists, and only the best students should be sent to practice,” Head of the Republic noted.

In addition, the youth of the Republic asked political questions, the topic of recounting the scholarship, the work of construction teams, the remote education system, and much more was touched upon.







Alexander Zakharchenko’s communication with college students of the Republic lasted about1.5 hours,.

At the end of the meeting, the Head of the Republic noted that young people should actively participate in the formation of the state, since in a few years they would have to answer the questions they asked today.








“Today, the students put forward their proposals within the framework of the development strategy of our state “The Strength of Donbass, and also asked questions of their interest. Moreover, the Head of the Republic gave a number of instructions, which will be implemented as far as possible.

One of the primary tasks is to attract young people to the formation of the Republic, as they will have to live and work in this country,” Natalia Volkova said.

Official site of the DPR,
March 21, 2018
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